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Understanding the Field Inspection Service

The Field Inspection Service is intended for installed equipment and products that have active UL certification, where such products or equipment were shipped from the factory without the UL Mark, or where the UL Mark has been inadvertently removed, or where the product was modified or repaired and the modification or repair is described in the UL Procedure for the specific product or equipment.

To qualify for this service, the equipment or products should meet the following criteria:

  1. Must have an active UL certification.
  2. Should not have been in use for more than one year.
  3. Any modification or repairs must be described in the specific UL Procuedure for the products or equipment.

The Application Process:

If the equipment or products meet the above criteria, you can complete the on-line Field Inspection Application form. This form will be routed to the appropriate UL Field Services Area Office for review and processing. Once the application has been received and reviewed, a UL Field Services representative will contact you to schedule the inspection.

In addition, if your equipment or products have been “red tagged” by the local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), we will contact the local inspector or building official to fully understand their specific concerns prior to conducting the Field Inspection. Once your product or equipment is inspected, and found to be in compliance by a UL Field Representative, the UL label can be applied.

If Equipment or Products are not Eligible for the Service:

If your equipment or products do not meet the criteria for a UL Field Inspection, ULs' Field Evaluation Service may be the solution. The Field Evaluation Service is intended for evaluating installed equipment that has NOT been previously investigated by UL, or has been significantly modified in the field for the specific installation or application. To learn more about this service visit the Field Evaluation Services web site.

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